I'm SO proud of Lydia! She has been in primary for just 6 weeks now, and today she gave her first talk. She did such a good job! We wrote the talk together as a family during Family Home Evening and then practiced for a few days. We had the talk "written" in pictures. I can't believe that it is me doing the whispering in her ear. It really doesn't seem that long ago that my mom was helping me with my primary talks.
Great job Lydia! My favorite line was the last one. "If we will be like Jesus, we will be happy." The way to a happy life can be understood by a four year old.
P.S. The squeak in the background is Collin finding a toy in my purse.
Collin has problems with a blocked tear duct and I was taping him so I could show the doctor how the eye gets really swollen and looks smaller. Collin didn't like the attention.
Only one week until the Daddy-Daughter Dance. Lydia can't wait! (Me either. I hope I get another photo like this one. It makes me cry it is so sweet.) Collin and I are going to stay home and have our own mommy-son dance.